Last Updated Saturday, August 7th

Count Down To "Saddle-Up-N-Move-'Em-Out"

Tuesday, July 27th

Today mom decided to try a long walk to see if we could do some of the longer hikes she is interested in.  We did indeed go for a LONG walk . . . 5 miles in fact!  I walked the first two miles, mom carried me for the next 2 miles, I walked another 1/2 mile, and mom carried me for the last 1/2 mile.  I sure am glad that mom fixed up that backpack for me!  We did cover some new territory on the walk (with all the hills it was actually more like a hike!) and saw some pretty sights.  (See below)


Wednesday, July 28th

Mom said it would probably be hot in some places on our trip and that it would be more comfortable for me if my hair was as short as possible.  So, she gave me a bath, a hair cut, and even trimmed my toenails!  Talk about ruining my day!  One consolation is that Katie (the cat) got a bath too.  She hates them worse than I do and cries the whole time about how unhappy she is.  Afterward she gives mom the cold shoulder for a few days.  Mom and I went for a shorter walk today, only 2 miles (thank goodness)!


Friday, July 30th

Mom and I went for a 2 mile walk yesterday and then mom spent the day sewing some bags for a few of my things.  Then she put together a shopping list for the stuff we still needed and for groceries.  Mom says we will be in bear country part of the time, so all the food that isn't canned has to be double-bagged in air-tight freezer bags and then put in an air-tight container.  Mom says she doesn't want to wake up to a bear nibbling on her toes.  I've never seen a bear, so I'm not sure what she's talking about, but I guess I'll take her word for it that we don't want to have a visit with one!

Today I got left home while mom went shopping.  It's not fair that I can't go to the grocery store with her.  I hate being left home!  However, she did come back with all kinds of stuff and I even saw some treats for me!  Mom spent quite a bit of time putting food into those plastic bags and then into a big container that goes inside the 4-Runner.  It looks to me like we have enough food forever (but then she eats more than I do, so it probably won't last that long).
Speaking of the 4-Runner . . . I keep telling mom that since we are going to be following the Old Oregon Trail, we should be going in a covered wagon!  I even showed her a way to make the 4-Runner look like one, but she wouldn't go for it.  She refuses to cut the top off the Runner and replace it with a canvas wagon cover. How unauthentic!  I just don't understand it!   I think she's a spoil-sport!  Oh, well,  I just glad I get to go!
See here!  The 4-Runner could be made to look like a covered wagon!

Saturday, July 31st

Today, after our 2 mile morning walk, mom did quite a bit of cooking to freeze some meals for the first week of the trip.  Boy did that food ever smell good . . . and I even got a few small samples!  Yum!  Yum!  After that mom washed clothes until the washer broke down and smoked us out of the house.  Our good neighbor came over to help mom make sure there wasn't a smoldering fire waiting to break out and after that things calmed down quite a bit.  I saw mom pack my bag with most of my stuff and she started packing her clothes, so we must be getting close to leaving.  I can hardly wait!

Sunday, Aug 1st

We didn't go for a walk today, but mom did work on packing items to take with us.  It looks like a lot to me, and I've sniffed every box, bag, crate, pillow, blanket, book, shoe, and anthing else that looks like it might be going! 
Mom did put the pads in the back of the 4-Runner and made the bed, so it looks like we will have a comfortable place to sleep!

Tuesday, August 3rd

Yesterday and today we went for our morning walks and mom worked on finishing up with cooking pre-made meals.  She also made some venison jerky!  Today mom loaded all kinds of stuff into the 4-runner and then worked on making one of the big food containers air-tight.  She also made some really good crunchy snacks!  (I know because she dropped a few on the floor and I ate them before she could sweep them up!) 
Mom's friend, who sews really good, has made some curtains for the Runner so that we can have privacy when we sleep.  Mom tried them out in the runner today too!

Wednesday, August 4th

I'm Ready To Go!!
I am so ready to hit the road!  I don't understand what is taking mom so long!  She says that I have to be patient until Monday!   Good grief!!  I don't know if I can stand it!
I wonder if I could figure out how to drive this thing myself?  Then I could just stuff mom in the back and we could be on our way!!


This is the hitch mount cargo carrier mom got to carry all our stuff.  The black box in the middle has "everything we need" mom says, "including a shower and a kitchen sink!  The cage on the right is for me.  Mom says I may have to stay in it for a little bit once in a while when she goes into places where I can't go, like visitor centers and restaurants.  (That's just not fair.)  At least I get to ride inside with mom and be with her the rest of the time!

The cage really isn't all that bad I suppose.  It has a nice thick, comfy cushion, plenty of fresh air and water, it's locked, and mom's friend even made a cover for it that provides shade and will shelter me from the rain!
Mom's friend also made a cover for the ice chest to help it stay cool and designed and sewed the harnesses that holds it on the cargo carrier. 

Saturday, August 7th

Where's Your Bed?
Well, we went for a 2 1/4 mile walk this morning.  Mom has finally finished loading all the stuff in the runner.  I'm a little worried about where she's going to sleep.  I was going to share my bed with her, but she filled up almost one whole side of it, so now I don't know where she plans to sleep.  Maybe she can curl up in the front seat?!
Mom says we are all ready to go.  Since we are going to be gone for a long time, we are going to spend tomorrow with friends and family, and then get a good nights sleep before hitting the trail early Monday morning.  Yippeeee!