Vacation 2010
Wagons Ho for the Old Oregon Trail!


Getting ready to leave!

Getting ready to leave is a busy time.  Mostly I sit and watch while mom sorts through things, builds things, and tries various ways of loading stuff.  The house is a MESS!  Things piled here, scrapes of stuff there, tools scattered around, and maps everywhere!
Mom says we are going to be doing some hiking on the trip and that we have to be ready for it.  So, one of the things I get to do in preparing for the trip is go for long walks with mom every morning. 
This is where we go for our walks.  It's beautiful in the country!
Mom and I walk up to 3 miles sometimes.  I get tired going that far, so mom fixed up a way for me to ride on her back.  This back pack has a nice soft place for me to sit or lay, a mesh fence so I won't fall out but have plenty of air, and a compartment under my seat where she can put a picnic lunch and bottles of water.  She also carries a first aid kit and emergency supplies.
Below are some of the sights I get to see when we go for our walks.
These cows like to wade in the pond in hot weather!
This guy seems to be friendly, but mom won't let me chase him.  She says we should let sleeping bulls lie.  (I think she's spoiling my fun, but I mind her.)